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- To improve the remuneration & conditions for all members to accurately reflect their:
- leadership provided to the community in the areas of public safety and emergency management; and
- contribution and commitment to the development of the QFES.
- To pursue open and honest communications with all stakeholders.
- To further the role of members as commanders, leaders, managers and change agents.
- To provide mechanisms through which senior fire officers can be supportive of each other through membership of the SOU.
- To encourage an environment that ensures members have an acceptable work/life balance.
- To identify opportunities for direct input into decisions of the QFES that impact upon the members.
- To participate in the development of strategic and organisational change.
- To seek to provide security of employment for members through fair and just representation before relevant stakeholder groups.
- To seek to advance career opportunities for all members, with an emphasis on command, leadership and management.
- To achieve parity of wages and conditions in accordance with equivalent or similar positions held by peers in other emergency services and fire services throughout Australasia.
- To appear before and represent the views of members at the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and other industrial and non-industrial forums.
- To recognise the right of the QFES to manage and achieve its strategic goals.